At Waterfront UTC we provide for a whole range of SEN needs. This includes students with a statement/EHCP and other additional SEN needs. For students with a statement or EHCP, the amount of support is determined through the Local Authority SEN panel. This panel determines the level of funding that can be offered to the child.
Within the UTC, support is matched to need. This is determined through discussions with parents, Head of Key Stage and students. This arrangement is the same for children and young people who are looked after by the local authority and have SEN. The nature of the resource/provision allocated will depend on the individual needs of the child. Discussions with students, parents, Head of Key Stage, external agencies and teaching staff enable us to allocate provision.
Resources can include:
- TA support in the curriculum
- Social time support
- Social skills
- Literacy skills
- Mentoring
- Working alongside external agencies
- Curriculum pathways
Waterfront UTC has adopted our own admissions policy for students with SEND. The admissions arrangements are for all students.
Our SENCo is Mr S McLean
He can be contacted through Waterfront UTC on 01634 505800
All our policies regarding SEN are available on our website. If you have any concerns regarding the arrangements for a young person with SEN, you can contact us through our SENCo. We will aim to provide the best support and provision possible.
Further information about our SEND approach is available in the document below. It covers:
- How we identify and assess children and young people with SEN and how we consult with parents
- How the school evaluates the effectiveness of our provision
- Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people’s progress towards outcomes
- Teaching children and young people with SEN, adaptations and engagement with the curriculum
- The facilities we provide to help students with SEND access the school
- Additional learning support for students with SEN
- Supporting the emotional and social development of students with SEN
- Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN
- Arrangements for transition
- Working with external agencies
- Handling complaints from parents of children with SEN