This term we have launched the "Drop Everything And Read" (DEAR) programme, which takes place during Company Time. This is to promote literacy amongst our students. Students will be silent reading for two mornings each week, where they will bring in their own books or choose from a selection of books that are made available to them. The more our students read, the more words they will gain exposure to, and these words will inevitably make their way into their everyday vocabulary. Being articulate and well-spoken is a great result of a reading programme that any teacher would be proud of. It can aid students in their written work, adding greater value to assessed pieces of work. Exposure to published, well-written work has a noted effect on student’s own writing, as observing the cadence, fluidity, and writing styles of other authors will invariably influence their own writing. We encourage students to bring in their own reading books, focusing on genres they enjoy. We are thankful to the generous staff, parents and members of the local community who have donated books following our recent request, where we have gained over 200 books! If you missed the first request, we would be happy to receive any books that can be donated as we build our own mini library.