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At Waterfront, we aim to promote the key aspect in the National Curriculum of getting involved in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.’ 

Year 9 
  • Standard PE lessons following the curriculum map for WUTC. 
  • Depth over breadth - learning how skills can transfer to different aspects and learning more about each sport covered in the terms. 
  • OPTIONAL: Chance to choose to complete an examination subject for PE in Year 10/11 (see Sports Science on our curriculum page)
Year 10 
  • Standard PE lessons following the curriculum map for WUTC. 
  • Depth over breadth - learning how skills can transfer to different aspects and learning more about each sport covered in the terms. Pupils focus more on games, tactics and rules. 
  • When entering a game in lessons, an option to officiate rather than play or an option to use the gym to continue developing physical health and help mental health. 
  • OPTIONAL: Those who have chosen examination PE completing as normal 
Year 11 
  • Choice PE lessons within school or at our local leisure centre. By now, students should be able to identify what they enjoy, and we want to continue to promote this, to help them participate fully. 
  • Breadth over depth - we believe the pupils now have the required knowledge in their sports and can be given a wide choice of sport to help motivate them to continue the things they enjoy outside of school. We continue to offer choice, so they can still sample things if they wish. 
  • OPTIONAL: Those who have chosen examination PE completing the course by the end of this year. 

PE Timetable

Class Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9A Weeks A & B     Week B Week A
9B Week B Week A Week B Week A  
9C   Week A   Weeks A & B Week B
9D   Week B Week A Weeks A & B  
10A     Weeks A & B    
10B     Weeks A & B    
10C  Week A   Week B    
10D Week A   Week B    
11A   Week B (double)      
11B   Week B (double)      
11C   Week B (double)      
Sport Science Week B Weeks A & B   Weeks A & B  

PE Kit

  • Our PE kit is very flexible, as we want our students to feel comfortable whilst being physically active.
  • Students can wear any type of sports clothing within our lessons, but they must wear trainers and remove all jewellery.
  • Due to our limited space, sometimes we have no option but to go outside. Please ensure warm clothing is available on those days.
  • We always welcome donations of old (good condition) sports kits and trainers that you may no longer need.