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From September 2024, we are offering a Foundation Pathway, which is BTEC Level 2 Construction OR Engineering, with optional resits in GCSE English and Maths. Please contact the school to book a tour to discuss this course further.


Students are able to follow a Core Pathway or a Foundation Pathway, which both focus on the UTC’s unique technical specialism and approach to learning. We will discuss with you the programme that meets your own individual needs and supports your future progression. Information about our curriculum is available here:


Students who have successfully achieved a Grade 4 or better in five or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, will be able to progress to Waterfront UTC’s Years 12 and 13 to follow a programme based on BTEC National (Level 3) qualifications in either Engineering, Construction & the Built Environment, Art and Design and/or A-Levels. Some subjects have separate entry requirements.

Students who have achieved Grade 4 at GCSE in English and Maths can be given the opportunity to study and retake their GCSE English and Maths exams.


Financial support is available to eligible students from the 16 to 19 bursary fund. The fund is intended to support students, aged 16 to 19, in overcoming specific financial barriers to participation so they can remain in education.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups; and
  • Discretionary bursaries

We use the fund to provide students with support to fund:

  • Transport
  • Books
  • Equipment (Including a laptop which must be returned at the end of the students’ studies)
  • Uniform – in line with the 6th form dress code
  • Field trips and other course-related costs
  • The costs of attending university interviews and open days
  • Emergency meal support for individual cases of severe hardship to provide meal support on the days a student attends their study programme. There are no additional checks needed under this point.

In line with the Bursary guidance, the School/Trust will retain 5% of the bursary funding within the schools budget to recoup the administration costs of delivering the policy.

Further information about our bursary fund can be found in our Bursary Policy, linked at the bottom of this page.


Ready to apply to our Sixth Form? Applications can be made via our online application form below: